Froula Alarm Systems

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Reducing a home burglary - 9 tips to stop thieves from entering your home

Reducing a home burglary is imore important than ever since this kind of crime is on the upswing in Puget Sound. In Seattle alone, almost 5,500 homes were burglarized last year, according to an article in the Seattle Times. Worse yet, more than 7,500 total burglaries were logged in, but less than 6.6 percent of those burglaries were cleared, according to the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs.

While security alarms and monitoring provide a measure of peace of mind, we like to share these tips with our customers to further reduce the odds their homes will be broken into:

1. Use the alarm all the time.

Don’t just turn the alarm on when you leave home. Instead, arm it whenever you’re at home, too.  Even if police can’t respond in a timely manner when your alarm goes off, the loud sirens on the alarm system will help attract attention and may send thieves running.

2. Add video surveillance.

Reducing a home burglary means installing video cameras at strategic points around the perimeter and inside your home. Use signs to announce you’re using video to record activity on your property.

3. Use solid locks.

Add deadbolts to your doors for extra security. Another option is keyless locks, which can take the place of deadbolts on exterior doors. Smart locks with Bluetooth-enabled deadbolts are another option. For detailed information on the various types of locks to choose from, see this article from A Secure Life.

4. Install smart video doorbells

Burglars will often knock on your door, trying to determine if you’re home or not before breaking in. Install a wireless doorbell, such as Ring of Skybell, so you can see who’s knocking. Smart doorbells also allow you to speak to visitors from your home or from far away, another way for reducing a home burglary.

6. Create an uninviting (to a burglar!) atmosphere indoors.

Put indoor lights in different rooms on timers so they come on at various times during the day and night. Use a timer to turn on music or a television, too. This makes would-be thieves think someone is in the house.

6. Improve the outdoor environment.

Avoid planting shrubs, trees and other concealing landscaping near entryways and windows. This helps reduce the places where thieves can lay in wait. Install motion light sensors on the outside of your home so they switch on when someone walks nearby.

7. Install window screens with sensors

If you like to let fresh air in, you need more than window sensors. Froula Alarm custom makes window screens with sensors built in for ultimate protection when the window is left open.

8. Don’t advertise your belongings.

Avoid leaving bikes and other expensive toys outside when you’re not using them. Instead, lock them up in your garage or hide them so burglars don’t start wondering what other goodies you have in your home.  Same thing with electronics and appliances – don’t leave the empty boxes next to your garbage can or recycling bin where everyone can see what you just bought.

9. Reinforce sliding glass doors

When installing sliding glass doors, use reinforced glass or material such as polycarbonate plastic that’s more difficult to break. Place a wooden or metal pole in the sliding door track so the doors can’t be opened by force.